Circa 2300 BC – seafarers of Sumerian origin settle south of the Rovuma in East Africa, establishing the Uran civilisation, which grows and flourishes for 300 years. Centred on a walled city in Mozambique, a horse centred, hunting, metal working culture develops.
Four hundred miles to the north, around 2070 BC, a huge maritime expedition from Egypt reaches Tanzania. They establish a great capital south of the Rufiji river. Seventy years later, these empire builders destroy the Uran capital Avara. A child is found in the ashes. The story begins…
At twenty, that child unites the most gifted men of his generation in a campaign against those who brought their civilisation to the brink of annihilation.
This is the story of the Uran’s astonishing war against the Andracians
“They murdered Jeram, my father; but from the ashes of this betrayal, a child has grown; strong enough to change the course of empires. Someone who will stand in the face of time, pain, disease, exhaustion.
Among a hundred thousand, one shall prevail; at once insane and the sanest of men; a seer to whom there shall be no obstacle; who shall never fall; who understands. Someone who will never lose his sanity, for one mistake would be the end of everything.
It is beginning.”

An Epic from the Heroic age of Myths